1660-1669 Durham, Compiled by James W. Blankenship jkblank1(at)sbcglobal.net 


Auckland, Durham Co., England, St Helen Burial

Blenkiship, Thomas   22 Feb 1665

                                                                From the English National Burial Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Auckland, Durham, England, Christening

Blenkiship, Christopher         25 MAY 1662, M, Saint Helen

Blenkiship, Elizabeth             31 JAN 1665, F,  Saint Helen

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Auckland, Durham Co., England, Christening

Blenkiship, Christopher         25 MAY 1662, M, St Helen, S/o Thomas Blenkiship

Blenkiship, Elizabeth             31 JAN 1665, F, Saint Helen, D/o Thomas Blenkiship

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Barnard Castle, Durham, England, Christening

Blenkeship, Margaret               16 MAY 1667, F.

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Barnard Castle, Durham Co., England, Christening

Blenkeship, Margaret           16 MAY 1667, F, D/o Anthony Blenkeship

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Brancepeth, Durham, England, Christening

Blenkinsop, Jane                   21 JUL 1661, F.

Blenkinsop, Thomas              21 FEB 1664, M.

Blenkinsop, Elizabeth            24 MAR 1667, F.

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Brancepeth, Durham Co., England, St Brandon Burial

Blenkinsop, Ann                           14 Nov 1665

                                                                From the English National Burial Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Durham, Durham Co., England, St. Nicholas Marriage

Blenkinshipp Jane                 1666
                                                                Paul Joiner Marriage Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Durham, Durham Co., England, St. Oswald Marriage

Blenkinshop, Thomas            1665
                                                                Paul Joiner Marriage Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Durham, Durham, England, Marriage

Blenkinshop, Thomas            25 JUL 1665, M, Saint Oswald

Blenkishipp, Jane                  18 NOV 1666, F, Saint Nicholas

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Durham, Durham Co., England, Marriage

Blenkishipp, Jane, F              Saunders, John           18 NOV 1666, St. Nicholas  

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Durham, Durham, England, Christening

Blenkinshop, Muriel 07 MAR 1669, F,  Saint Oswald

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Durham, Durham Co., England, Christening

Blenkinshop, Muriel 07 MAR 1669, Saint Oswald, F, D/o Thomas Blenkinshop                    

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Chester Le Street, Durham, England, Christening

Blenconship, Richard             28 OCT 1666, M

Blenconshipp, Mary              12 DEC 1669, F.

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Gainford, Durham Co., England, Marriage

Blenkinsop, Anthony              09 JAN 1664, M.

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Gainford, Durham Co., England, Marriage

Blankinship, Anthony            1664

                                                                Paul Joiner Marriage Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Gateshead, Durham Co., England, Marriage

Blenkinship, Ann                    1667
Blenkinship, Thomas 1661

                                                                Paul Joiner Marriage Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Gateshead, Durham Co., England, Marriage

Blenkeship, Tho.                    Pybas, Jane                19 DEC 1661  

Blenkeshipp, Ann                   Rotchester, John        27 NOV 1667  

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Gateshead, Durham Co., England, Marriages (1600-1699)

Prepared by Bill Rounce Transcribed by George Bell

+Blenkinship,  Thomas          Pybas, Jane                                  19 Dec 1661  
+Blenkinship, Ann                    Rotchester,  John                      27 Nov 1667  


Gateshead, Durham Co., England, St Mary Burial

Blenkeship, Jane                          09 Jan 1661

                                                                From the English National Burial Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Gateshead, Durham, England, Marriage

Blenkeship, Tho.                          19 DEC 1661, M.

Blenkeshipp, Ann                         27 NOV 1667, F.

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Hurworth-On-Tees, Durham, England, Christening

Blenkiship, George                09 OCT 1664, M.

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Hurworth-On-Tees, Durham Co., England, Christening

Blenkiship, George                09 OCT 1664, M, S/o Thomas & Frances Blenkiship

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Hurworth-On-Tees, Durham, England, Marriage

Blenkinship, Thomam            02 NOV 1669, M.

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Hurworth-On-Tees, Durham Co., England, Marriage

Blenkinship, Thomam            Smith, Mariam                       02 NOV 1669  

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Hurworth, Durham Co., England, Marriage

Blinkinship, Thomas              1669

Blinkinship, Thomas              1669

                                                                Paul Joiner Marriage Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Hurworth, Durham Co., England, Marriages (1559-1837)

Prepared by Bill Rounce Transcribed by George Bell

+Blinkinship, Thomas             Smith, Mariam                            02 Nov 1669  

Norton, Durham, England, Marriage

Blenkinshopp, Ralph             23 MAR 1655, M.

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Norton, Durham Co., England, Christening

Blenkaship, Marga                28 JUL 1661, F, D/o Raiph Blenkaship

Blenkiship, Francisca            22 OCT 1665, F, D/o Rudulp. Blenkiship  

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Ryton, Durham, England, Christening

Blenkinshipp, Ann                       17 AUG 1662, F.

Blenkinship, Jane                  08 JUL 1668, F.

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Ryton, Durham Co., England, Christening

Blenkinshipp, Ann                  17 AUG 1662, F, D/o Thomas Blenkinshipp

Blenkinship, Jane                  08 JUL 1668, F, D/o Thomas Blenkinship

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Ryton, Durham Co., England, Holy Cross Burial

Blenkinshipp, chd                         Sep 1662  

                                                                From the English National Burial Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Whickham, Durham, England, Christening

Blenkinship, Thomazin              20 FEB 1660, F

Blinkinsop, Jane                           13 NOV 1660, F

Blinkinsop, Simond                14 MAR 1664, M

Blinkinsop, Thomas               21 DEC 1664, M

Blenkinsop, Thomas              25 OCT 1668, M

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Whickham, Durham Co., England, Christening

Blenkinship, Thomazin              20 FEB 1660, F, D/o Wm. Blenkinship

Blinkinsop, Jane                           13 NOV 1660, F, D/o George Blinkinsop

Blinkinsop, Simond                     14 MAR 1664, M, S/o George Blinkinsop

Blinkinsop, Thomas                    21 DEC 1664, M, S/o Tho. Blinkinsop

Blenkinsop, Thomas                   25 OCT 1668, M, S/o John Blenkinsop

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents


Whickham, Durham Co., England, Marriage

Blenkinsop, John                   1667

                                                                Paul Joiner Marriage Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Whickham, Durham, England, Marriage

Blenkinsop, John                          11 MAY 1668, M

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net

                                                                International Genealogical Index


Whickham, Durham Co., England, Marriage

Blenkinsop, John                   Trane, Elizabeth                     11 MAY 1668

                                                                IGI record w/ Spouse and Parents