1790-1799 Lancashire, Compiled by James W. Blankenship jkblank1(at)sbcglobal.net 


Blackburn, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blenkinshop, Margaret         b.15 Jan 1798 c.31 MAY 1799 St Mary-The-Virgin, F,

                D/o Thomas & Hannah Blenkinshop

Blenkinshop, Hannah            31 MAY 1799 St Mary-The-Virgin, F,

            D/o Thomas & Hannah Blenkinshop 

                                                                IGI records with Parents & Spouses

                                                                From Muriel Murray mmu51380(at)earthlink.net


Leigh, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blenkinsop, John                   02 JUN 1793, M

Blenkinsop, Thomas              04 OCT 1795, M

                                                                IGI records with Parents & Spouses

                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Leigh, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blenkinsop, John                   02 JUN 1793 , M, S/o Thomas & Hannah Blenkinsop 

Blenkinsop, Thomas              04 OCT 1795, M, S/o Thomas & Hannah Blenkinsop 

                                                                IGI records with Parents & Spouses

                                                                From Muriel Murray mmu51380(at)earthlink.net