1810-1819 Lancashire, Compiled by James W. Blankenship jkblank1(at)sbcglobal.net 


Church, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blinkinsop, Hannah               04 JAN 1814, F

Blenkinsop, Mary                  22 SEP 1816, F


Church, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blinkinsop, Hannah               04 JAN 1814, F, D/o John & Ellen Blinkinsop 

Blenkinsop, Mary                  22 SEP 1816, F, D/o John & Jinny Blenkinsop 

                                                                IGI records with Parents & Spouses

                                                                From Muriel Murray mmu51380(at)earthlink.net


Church, Lancashire Co., England, Marriage

Blenkinsop, John                   18 MAY 1813, M

Blenkinsop, John                   03 JAN 1816, M


Church, Lancashire Co., England, Marriage

Blenkinsop, John                   Hurst, Ellen                18 MAY 1813

Blenkinsop, John                   Heaton, Jane              03 JAN 1816

                                                                IGI records with Parents & Spouses

                                                                From Muriel Murray mmu51380(at)earthlink.net


Great Harwood, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blenkinsop, Thomas              25 AUG 1811, M

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Liverpool,  Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blenkinsop, William Leaton        28 JUN 1818, M, St. Johns Old Haymarket

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Liverpool, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blenkinsop, William Leaton      28 JUN 1818 St Johns Old Haymarket, M,

                S/o William & Margaret Frances Blenkinsop 

Blinkinsopp, Margaret Leaton 24 JAN 1819 St Peters, F,

                D/o William & Margaret Frances Blinkinsopp 

                                                                IGI records with Parents & Spouses

                                                                From Muriel Murray mmu51380(at)earthlink.net


Manchester, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blinkinsop, Robert                 19 AUG 1810, M, Cathedral

Blenkensop, John                  12 APR 1812, M, Cathedral

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Manchester, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blinkinsop, Robert                 19 AUG 1810 Cathedral, M, S/o Robert & Mary Blinkinsop 

Blenkensop, John                  12 APR 1812 Cathedral, M, S/o Robert & Mary Blinkinsop 

                                                                IGI records with Parents & Spouses

                                                                From Muriel Murray mmu51380(at)earthlink.net


Manchester, Lancashire Co., England, Marriage

Blinkinship, John                   13 JUN 1818, M, Cathedral

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Manchester, Lancashire Co., England, Marriage

Blinkinship, John                   Armstrong, Susanna 13 JUN 1818 Cathedral

                                                                IGI records with Parents & Spouses

                                                                From Muriel Murray mmu51380(at)earthlink.net


Walton On The Hill, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blankinsop, Elizabeth            18 AUG 1811, F

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Warrington, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blenkinsop, Elizabeth            11 AUG 1811, F, Saint Johns Lady Huntingdons

Blenkinsop, Henry                 29 AUG 1813, M, Saint Johns Lady Huntingdons

Blenkinsop, James                 10 NOV 1816, M, Saint Johns Lady Huntingdons

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Warrington, Lancashire Co., England, Christening

Blenkinsop, Elizabeth            11 AUG 1811 Saint Johns Lady Huntingdons, F,

                D/o Thomas & Elizabeth Blenkinsop 

Blenkinsop, Henry                 29 AUG 1813 Saint Johns Lady Huntingdons, M,

                S/o Thomas & Elizabeth Blenkinsop 

Blenkinsop, James                 10 NOV 1816 Saint Johns Lady Huntingdons, M,

                S/o Thomas & Elizabeth Blenkinsop 

                                                                IGI records with Parents & Spouses

                                                                From Muriel Murray mmu51380(at)earthlink.net