1420-1429 Northumberland, Compiled by James W. Blankenship jkblank1(at)sbcglobal.net 



Thirlwall Castle, Greenhead, Northumberland, Eng.,

Blenkinsop, Rowland

Thirlwall Castle stands on a rocky precipice, above the Tipalt. There is no Mention of it before 1369, in which year John de Thirlwall is called lord of it and the manor of Thirlwall. No Royal License for building it seems to be on record. About the year 1429 is was the residence of Rowland Blenkinsop. “

The local historian's table book, of remarkable occurrences, historical ... - Page 241

by Moses Aaron Richardson – 1843

From: Jim Tilt j.tilt(at)ntlworld.com