1600-1609 Northumberland, Compiled by James W. Blankenship jkblank1(at)sbcglobal.net 


Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland Co., England, Christening

Blinkinsopp, ???                           01 FEB 1601, F. Saint John

Blinkinsope, Margerie              15 AUG 1602, F, Saint John

                                                                International Genealogical Index

                                                                From: Don Blankenship donblank(at)earthlink.net


Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland Co., England, Christening

Blinkinsopp, ???                           01 Feb 1601 St John, F, D/o George Blinkinsopp

+Blinkinsope, Margerie           15 Aug 1602 St. John, F, D/o George Blinkinsope

                                                                IGI records with parents and spouses


Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland Co., England, Marriage

+Blenkinsop, George                 Sparke, Elsabeth                          09 Nov 1600 St. Nicholas

Blenkhorne, Annes                     Signe, Marke                                                 22 Dec 1602 St. Andrew

                                                                IGI records with parents and spouses