1840-1849nz                                              Compiled by Jim Blankenship jkblank1(at)sbcglobal.net


Blenheim, NZ, Blenkisops Cannon:


Good news about this one. Someone has realised the historic significance of this piece and it now resides outside of the Town Council Chambers in Blenheim.* History says that this cannon was part of the reason that the Wairau Affray took place in June of 1843. Some years earlier a sea captain by the name of Blenkinsop had sailed into the Marlborough region and traded with the local Maori for flax. The Maori were paid for the flax with tobacco and this cannon. They were also made to place their moko on a deed for the sale of the Wairau plains which they understood to be a receipt for the flax...the rest is history, and captain Arthur Wakefield and his slain company lie buried at a place called Tua Marina. Incidentally, there is a very nice small calibre German field gun (WWI vintage), mounted beside their mass grave. This gun is in very good condition.