1840-1849 AL, Compiled by James W. Blankenship jkblank1(at)sbcglobal.net


1840 Census Key

Name followed by a code; 00000000000, 0, 00000000000, 00

1st group free white males    0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89,

2nd group male slaves

3rd group free white females 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89

4th group female slaves, total


Bibb  Created Dec. 4, 1820 Cahawba renamed                                                     

+1840 Census, Bibb Co., AL, Page #11, Line #21
Blanker, John Sen.       

00200010000, 0, 11100010000, 07

FWM 40-49 (1791-1800) Self John

FWF  40-49 (1791-1800) Wife

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau Rebecca

FWF    5-9   (1831-1835) Dau

FWF    0-4   (1836-1840) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Blount Created February 6, 1818 from Creek Indian territory                         

+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQ9N-656

Blankinship, Mary - Willougby Williams, - 23Dec1840, Blount,

            Poss Dau of Joshua Blankenship & Sarah Ann Pate


Chambers Created December 18, 1832 from Creek Indian territory                


+1840 Census, Chambers Co., AL, Page #197
Blankenship, John L. son of David Blankenship & Susanna Stringer
31010100000, 0, 00000100000, 07

FWM 30-39 (1801-1810) Self John Spencer

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Wife Mahala Anne Caldwell

FWM 15-19 (1821-1825) Son Augustus J.

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son James A.

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son F.

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son John L.

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son Marcus David

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQD9-PM2


Blankenship, James M. C. – Hudspeth, Luisa - 22Aug1847, Chambers,

              Son of Thomas Blankenship & Charlotte ?


Choctaw Created December 29, 1847 from Sumter & Washington                    


Coffee Created December 29, 1841 from Dale                                                      


Coosa Created December 18, 1832 from Creek Indian territory                        


+1840 Census, Lindsey Twp., Coosa Co., AL, Page #297
Blankenship, Rueben Son of Hudson Blankenship & Edith Wilkinson
01110000010, 0, 10100010010, 0

FWM 70-79 (1761-1770) Self Reuben

FWF  70-79 (1761-1770) Wife Elizabeth Wilkinson

FWF  40-49 (1791-1800) Dau/Dau inlaw?

FWM 15-19 (1821-1825) GSon

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) GSon

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) GDau

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) GSon

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) GDau

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

Looks like one of the kids is living with them.

1840 Census, Lindsey Twp., Coosa Co., AL, Page #297
Blankenship, Mark Son of Reuben Blankenship & Elizabeth Wilkinson
12100010000, 0, 11110100000, 010

FWM 40-49 (1791-1800) Self Mark

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Wife Francis Blankenship

FWF  15-19 (1821-1825) Dau Nancy

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son William E.

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau Elizabeth

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son Daniel

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son George W.

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau Mary

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son Jasper Newton

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau Lucy

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1840 Census, Lindsey Twp., Coosa Co., AL, Page #297
Blankenship, Jas. (James) Son of Reuben Blankenship & Elizabeth Wilkinson
22000010000, 0, 01200100000, 09

FWM 40-49 (1791-1800) Self James S.

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Wife Mary Ann Blankenship

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau Faith

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau Mary

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son Reuben

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son Thomas

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau Martha

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son Washington

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son John

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1840 Census, Lindsey Twp., Coosa Co., AL, Page #298
Blankenship, Henry Son of Daniel Blankenship
10001000000, 0, 10001000000, 04

FWM 20-29 (1811-1820) Self Henry

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Wife Eliza ?

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau Rebecca

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1840 Census, Lindsey Twp., Coosa Co., AL, Page #298
Blankenship, John Son of Reuben Blankenship & Elizabeth Wilkinson
21110010000, 0, 20110100000, 011

FWM 40-49 (1791-1800) Self John

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Wife Millie Thompson

FWM 15-19 (1821-1825) Son William Henry

FWF  15-19 (1821-1825) Dau Susan

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son James Thomas

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau Mary T.

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son John T. R.

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son Miles Green

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son Reuben Buck

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau Margaret H.

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Early Records of Coosa County, Alabama: 1832-1860

Wills, Administrations & Marriage Records, Page 222

Blankenship, James              Foshee, Louisa                       05Mar1846

              Wit: Henry Blankenship, J. P.

            Son of James S. Blankenship & Mary Ann Blankenship

                                                          From: Laurie Sutherland lauriesutherland(at)hotmail.com


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQD8-CJ2



Blankinship, Jane – White, Russel - 02Oct1840, Coosa,

              S/o Thomas White - Jane Thompson sister of Millie Thompson


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQD8-ZXR



Blankenship, Nancy – Epperson, James H. - 20Oct1843, Coosa,

              Dau of Mark Blankenship & Mary Frances Blankenship


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQD8-ZLJ



Blankenship, Susan – Epperson, John J. - 24Dec1843, Coosa,

            Dau of John Buck Blankenship & Millie Thompson


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQD8-8HW



Blankinship, William H. – Roberts, Sarah E. - 03Feb1845, Coosa,

            Son of John Buck Blankenship & Millie Thompson


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQD8-865



Blankenship, JamesFoshee, Louisa - 05Mar1846, Coosa,

              Son of James S. Blankenship & Mary Ann Blankenship


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQD8-D4H



Blankinship, James S. – Epperson, Martha - 27Dec1846, Coosa,

            Son of John Buck Blankenship & Millie Thompson


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQD8-DQ3



Blankinship, Lewvina – Glascock, William A. - 12Nov1847, Coosa,

            Dau of Edmond Blankenship & Sarah Cargile


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQD8-66K



Blankinship, Elizabeth – Harman, Martin - 31Jan1849, Coosa,


Fayette Created December 20, 1824 from Marion, Pickens, & Tuscaloosa           


+1840 Census, Fayette Co., AL, Page #209
Blankenship, C. Son of Hezekiah Blankenship & Mary Potter
10000100000, 0, 02200100000, 07

FWM 30-39 (1801-1810) Self  Cullen

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Wife Martha Cynthia Lindsey

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau Elizabeth

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau Mildred

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau Rooy

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau Josephine

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

Madison Created December 13, 1808 from Cherokee Indian territory             


+1840 Census, Madison Co., AL, Page #131

Blankenship, Edward Son of Edmund Blankenship & Hannah Frost
00001000000, 0, 00001000000, 02

FWM 20-29 (1811-1820) Self

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Wife

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1840 Census, Madison Co., AL, Page #140
Blankenship, Hannah Widow of Edmund Blankenship
10002100000, 0, 00100100000, 06

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Self

FWM 30-39 (1801-1810) ?

FWM 20-29 (1811-1820) ?

FWM 20-29 (1811-1820) ?

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1840 Census, Madison Co., AL, Page #143
Blankenship, R. son of Raymond Blankenship & Judith ?
11001000100, 0, 12103000000, 011
FWM 60-69 (1771-1780) Dad Raymond son of Asa son of  John Blankenship & Mary Wallace

FWM 20-29 (1811-1820) Self  Raymond II

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Wife Elizabeth ?

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Sister

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Sister

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau Marda

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son Raymond III

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau Ann

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau France

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son John

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com



+1840 Census, South Half, Madison Co., AL, Page #162
Blankenship, Royal son of Raymond Blankenship & Judith ?
10100100000, 0, 21000100000, 07
FWM 30-39 (1801-1810) Self Royal

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Wife Sally Austin

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son Royal

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son George

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau Laura

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1840 Census, South Half, Madison Co., AL, Page #174
Blankenship, John Son of Raymond Blankenship & Judith ?
20001000000, 0, 00001000000, 04
FWM 20-29 (1811-1820) Self John Vinson

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Wife Ester Woody

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son George W.

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son Andrew J.

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1840 Census, South Half, Madison Co., AL, Page #177
Blankenship, William Son of
00000001000, 0, 00100010000, 03
FWM 50-59 (1781-1790) Self

FWF  40-49 (1791-1800) Wife

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Madison Co., AL, Marriage Licenses

Blankenship, James              Wallace, Margaret                Vol. 4A p. 108               21Jan1846


From: diane dhrenfrow(at)yahoo.com


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQVY-N65

Blankenship, James – Wallace, Margaret - 22Jan1846, Madison,

              Son of Raymond Blankenship & Judith ?


+1846, Madison Co., AL,

Orphans Court Minutes Bk #11, Page 380, 4 Aug. 1846

Blankenship, Branch Son of

Blankenship, William Son of Branch Blankenship

 Isham Johnson applied for and was granted Letters of Guardianship of William Blankenship, infant of Branch Blankenship, dec'd, John H. Hamer and Joel C. Childress sureties.” 

From Wanda Colvin colvinw(at)sbcglobal.net


+1847, Madison Co., AL,

Vol 195, Some of the relationship of the Parker and Blankenship: William Parker dec'd.  Heirs:  Jane, wife of Isham Johnson; Winney Parker; Elizabeth the wife of Cosby, dec'd; and the children of Elisha Parker dec'd who was a brother of William:  Frances, Louisa and Mary Parker, under 21; the children of Branch Blankenship and his wife Mary, dec'd who was a sister of William viz, William Blankenship, under 21.  Nov. 1847/3?.  There are other Parkers on that page that might relate to that family.”

From Wanda Colvin colvinw(at)sbcglobal.net

Marshall Created January 9, 1836 from Blount, Jackson, Cherokee Indian territory

Marshall Co., AL, Marriage Records 1836-1846, Surnames A-L
Blankenship, Nancy E.                      Robinson, Julius C.                            18May1843 
Blankenship, Colbert                         Johnson, [No Name]                           22Jul1843



+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQ6Q-PQP





Blankenship, Nancy E. – Robinson, Julius C. - 18May1843, Marshall,


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FQ6Q-P7M


Blankenship, Colbert – Johnson, ---- - 22Jul1843, Marshall,


Morgan Created June 14, 1821 Cotaco renamed                                                 


+1840 Census, 39th Reg. Morgan Co., AL, Page #37
Blankinship, Joshua Son of Daniel Blankenship
11200100000, 0, 21021100000, 012
FWM 30-39 (1801-1810) Self Joshua

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Wife Sarah Ann Pate

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Dau

FWF  15-19 (1821-1825) Dau

FWF  15-19 (1821-1825) Dau Mary R.

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son William

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son Matthew

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son Thomas

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau Sarah

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son Samuel

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau Catherine

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VRVC-WNL

Blankenship, Wm A. – Lundy, Rachel A. - 25Aug1840, Morgan,


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VRVC-WGT

Blankenship, Mary R. – Wallace, Geo W. - 18Oct1842, Morgan,


Shelby Created February 7, 1818 from Montgomery                                          


+1840 Census, Shelby Co., AL, Page #53
Blankenship, Henry Son of Ruebin Blankenship & Elizabeth Wilkinson
00100001000, 0, 00000010000, 03
FWM 50-59 (1781-1790) Self

FWF  40-49 (1791-1800) Wife Eddy Barnes

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son Henry

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1840 Census, Shelby Co., AL, Page #58
Blankenship, M.G. Son of Reuben Blankenship & Elizabeth Wilkinson
12100100000, 0, 01001000000, 07
FWM 30-39 (1801-1810) Self Miles Green

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Wife Penelope Vert

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son John

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son Robert

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau Sephernah

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son William Jackson

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1840 Census, Shelby Co., AL, Page #62
Blankinship, E.
01100010010, 0, 00110100000, 07

FWM 70-79 (1761-1770) Mother/Mother in Law?

FWM 40-49 (1791-1800) Self Edwin/Edmond

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Wife

FWF  15-19 (1821-1825) Dau Elizabeth

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son John

FWF  10-14 (1826-1830) Dau

FWM   5-9   (1831-1835) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

Can’t be Elizabeth Wilkinson wife of Rueben she is with Rueben in Coosa Co.,


Talladega Created December 18, 1832 from Creek Indian territory                 


+1840 Census, Talladega Co., AL, Page #291
Blankinship, Ransom Son of
20110000100, 0, 01000101000, 08

FWM 60-69 (1771-1780) Self

FWF  50-59 (1781-1790) Wife

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Dau

FWM 15-19 (1821-1825) Son

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son

FWM   0-4   (1836-1840) Son

From Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+Talladega Co., AL, Marriage

Blankenship, William E. Son of Mark Blankenship & Mary Francis Blankenship

Alabama, 1800-1900 Marriage Index

Comments:  The gender of William E. Blankenship is male.     
Spouse:  Elizabeth Featherstone     
Marriage Date:  Jan 10, 1849     
County:  Talladega     
Notes:  This record can be found in the County Court Records, Film # 1639298 - 1639301     

                                                          From Barbara Nichols barb1228(at)swbell.net


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/29FL-D26

Blankenship, Bennett R. – Wood, Mary Jane - 18Jun1848, Talladega,


+AL Marriage; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/29FL-JF1

Blankinship, William E.Featherston, Elizabeth - 11Jan1849, Talladega,

              Son of Mark Blankenship & Mary Frances Blankenship


Tallapoosa Created December 18, 1832 from Creek Indian territory               


1840, Tallapoosa Co., AL, Deed

Montgomery Land Office, Doc. #7540, Serial #AL4320__.490, Date 10/10/1840

Blankinship, Henry Son of

                                                          From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


Washington Created June 4, 1800 from Mississippi Territory                           


1840, St. Stephens, Washington Co., AL, Land Record


Blankinship, Henry Son of

Name: HENRY Blankinship                          Date: 10 10 1840               Location: AL,
Document #: 7540, Serial #: AL4320__.490, Sale Type: CASH ENTRY SALE, Acres: 40.0600
Meridian or Watershed: ST STEPHENS, Parcel: Township 19N, Range 22E, Section 1


1849, St. Stephens, Washington Co., AL, Land Record


Blankenship, James Son of

Name: James Blankenship                             Date: 01 09 1849               Location: AL,
Document #: 37187, Serial #: AL1860__.413, Sale Type: CASH ENTRY SALE, Acres: 40.0000
Meridian or Watershed: ST STEPHENS, Parcel: Township 11N, Range 11E, Section 32


1849, St. Stephens, Washington Co., AL, Land Record


Blankenship, James Son of

Name: James Blankenship                             Date: 01 09 1849               Location: AL,
Document #: 37068, Serial #: AL1860__.294, Sale Type: CASH ENTRY SALE, Acres: 79.6750
Meridian or Watershed: ST STEPHENS, Parcel: Township 11N, Range 11E, Section 33


+1840 Census, Washington Co., AL, Page #266, Oct. 7
Blankinship, William Son of
00100100000, 0, 22001000000, 0

FWM 30-39 (1801-1810) Self

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Wife

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Wilcox Created December 13, 1819 from Monroe & Dallas                               


1840 Census, Wilcox Co., AL, Page #331
Blankenship, E. Son of
00101010000, 0, 11000100000, 06
FWM 40-49 (1791-1800) Self Edward

FWF  30-39 (1801-1810) Wife Jane Bogan

FWM 20-29 (1811-1820) Son James

FWM 10-14 (1826-1830) Son John W.

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau Elizabeth Ann

FWF   0-4    (1836-1840) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1840 Census, Wilcox Co., AL, Page #332
Blankenship, John Son of John Blankenship & Nancy Houchins
00010200000, 0, 01001000000, 05

FWM 30-39 (1801-1810) Self John II

FWF  20-29 (1811-1820) Wife Elizabeth Carter

FWM 30-39 (1801-1810) ?

FWM 15-19 (1821-1825) ?

FWF   5-9    (1831-1835) Dau Martha Elizabeth

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1849, Wilcox Co., AL, Deed

Cahaba Land Office, Doc. #37068, Serial #AL1860__.294, Date 9/1/1849

Blankenship, James W. Son of Edmond Blankenship

                                                          From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


1849, Wilcox Co., AL, Deed

Cahaba Land Office, Doc. #37187, Serial #AL1860__.413, Date 9/1/1849

Blankenship, James W. Son of Edmond Blankenship

                                                          From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net