1830-1839, VA, Compiled by James W. Blankenship jkblank1(at)sbcglobal.net


West Virginia was the western part of Virginia, after becoming a state the original county names were kept. And later divided to create more counties. For the Area Time Lines, I have put Western Virginia and West Virginia all together in the WV file.

1830 Census Key
Name followed by code; 00000000000, 00, 00000000000, 000
1st group free white males    0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89,

2nd group male slaves, free colored males

3rd group free white females 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89

4th group female slaves, free colored females, total


Amelia created in 1734 from Brunswick, Prince George                                              


+1830 Census, Amelia Co., VA, Page #148
Blankenship, Thomas Son of
00000001000, 00, 00000000000, 00
FWM 50-59    (1771-1780) Self



+1830 Census, Amelia Co., VA, Page #149

Blankenship, Samuel
11000010000, 00, 01000010000, 00
FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self Samuel Harrison

FWF  40-49   (1781-1790) Wife Harriet Amelia Perry

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son Benjamin Roscoe

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Elizabeth

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son John W.



Amelia Co., VA, Marriage

+Blankenship, Jane E.          Christopher B. Walthall       Jun 29, 1835


Bedford created in 1753 from Lunenburg                                                                      


+1830 Census, Bedford Co., VA, Page #173
Blankenship, Abel Son of Abraham Blankenship & Susanna Wyatt
01100100000, 00, 21100100000, 00
FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self Abel

FWF  30-39   (1791-1800) Wife Rhoda Wood

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son Buford

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son William R.

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Catharine

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau



+Virginia Pension Roll of 1835

Blankenship, Abraham

              Son of William Blankenship & Elizabeth Dickerson

Bedford County


Virginia Militia

$80.00 Annual Allowance

$240.00 Amount Received

April 3, 1833 Pension Started

Age 74


From: diane dhrenfrow(at)yahoo.com


+Bedford Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRCK-5Q9

Eliza Blankenship, - Booker W. Smith, - 16Nov1836

Dau of Abraham Blankenship, Jr. & Mary Elizabeth Debo


+Bedford Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRCK-5ZH

                                           S/o Abraham; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZH7-4BRW

John Blankenship, - Catharine Plymale, - 25Apr1838

Son of Abraham Blankenship, Jr. & Mary Elizabeth Debo


+Bedford Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRCK-584

                                           D/o Rhoda; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6Z4Y-67H4

Nancy Blankenship, - John Holliway, - 30Dec1839

Dau of Rhoda Blankenship


Bedford Co., VA, Marriage Bonds

Extracted from the appendix in Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol VI, Virginia.

From the Bedford Co., VA Web Site

Blankenship, Eliza                Smith, Bowker W.                 Nov. 15, 1836

d/o Mary, Surety; Michael Debo, Jr., Married by William Leftwich, Nov. 16, 1836.

Blankenship, Abraham         Plymale, Christena               Apr. 16, 1838

s/o John, d/o Thomas, Surety; Wyatt Truman, Married by William Leftwich. Apr. 25, 1838

Blankenship, Nancy              Holloway, John                     Dec. 30, 1839

d/o Rody, Surety; Lemuel Bates, Married by William Leftwich, Dec. 30, 1839.


+1836, Bedford Co., VA, Marriage

Blankenship, Eliza Dau. of Abraham Blankenship, Jr. & Mary Elizabeth Debo

Nov. 15, 1836; Bowker W. Smith & Eliza Blankenship, dt Mary; Michael Debo, Jr., Surety; Married by William Leftwich, Nov. 16, 1836.


+1838, Bedford Co., VA, Marriage

Blankenship, John Son of Abraham Blankenship, Jr. & Mary Elizabeth Debo

Apr. 16, 1838; John Blankenship, s Abraham & Christena Plymale, dt Thomas; Wyatt Truman, Surety.

Apr. 25, 1838; John Blankenship & Catharine Plymale; Married by William Leftwich


+1839, Bedford Co., VA, Marriage

Blankenship, Nancy Dau. of Rhoda Blankenship, The dau. of Benjamin Blankenship & Patience Jackson

Dec. 30, 1839; John Holloway & Nancy Blankenship, dt Rody; Lemuel Bates, Surety; Married by William Leftwich, Dec. 30, 1839


+Pension Application of Abraham Blankenship: W10425

Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris

District of Virginia}Bedford County Ss.]

On this the 1 day of January 1830. aforesaid personally appeared in open Court being a court of record for the said County Abraham Blankingship aged about 72 [1758] years resident in said County who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows to wit That he served in the militia for three months under command of Capt Jos[?] Royal – & at [one or two words illegible] enlisted for three months more under Capt Lewis & marched to Williamsburg & then enlisted for three months under Command of Jas. Scott & marched to old James town & was there drafted as a regular soldier in the infantry on continental establishment under command of Colo Dick, Major Boyce & Cpt. Scott & marched to Norfolk Hampton & other places & was frequently called on as a minute man & in every instance discharged my duty faithfully in defence of my country and obtained an honourable discharge from each of my officers but having no learning have lost them. and do not know what became of them.

That he is by trade a cooper and is now blind & unable to work at his trade and is in such reduced circumstances in life as to need the assistance of his country for support. That he has no property except a few Coopers tools which is not worth more than Two dollars and that he was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that he has not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disposed of his property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring himself within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled “An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land & naval services of the United States in the Revolutionary war passed on the 18th of March 1818 or of the act of congress passed on the first of May 1820 and that he has not nor has any person in trust for him any property or securities contracts or debts due to him, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the above property except that the overseers of the poor of Bedford County have levyed for my & my wife’s relief twelve dollars as parishoners of s’d County

That he has a wife living with him about 74 years of age & verry infirm and a single daughter about 35 years of age & her two children aged about 14 & 11 years. That he has made no application for a pension before this because he did not know untill a few months past that any such provision was made for revolutionary soldiers as he has since understood & was able to support himself untill he became blind and that he does not know of any one living by whom he can prove his services in said revolutionary war: having resided in the County of Bedford for 46 years past & not being out of it he can not know who of his old comrades in his countries service are yet survivers or where any one of them resides unless Mason Ferguson & George Froden[?] of Chesterfield County Va who served with him in the Continental service during the revolutionary war was in Battel at petersburg va and at Shirley hundred in va and the Taking of Wallace [sic: Cornwallis] at yorktown va and that he entered into the Servis of the United States as a Sodier in the year 1779 and was Honourably discharged at old Williamsburg in, Va and the said Abraham Blankenship says from infirmity that he is not able to attend Court

Abraham hisXmark Blanken[ship] State of virginia Bedford County to witt on this 23 day of January 1833 personally appeared before me Samuel Hancock a Justice of the peace for said county abram Blankenship a Resident of said County of Bedford aged seventy three who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed the 7th of June 1832 that he was drafted in the Militia in the county of Chesterfield in the state of virginia where he was born & then Resided to serve three months in the army of the united States in the yeare seventeen hundred and seventy seven he thinks he marched of about the first of June & was discharged some time in September he marched under Capt Cheetum [sic: possibly Henry Cheatham] and Colo. goode [sic; Robert Goode] & Major Bass Commanded the

              Son of William Blankenship & Elizabeth Dickerson


From: diane dhrenfrow(at)yahoo.com


Botetourt created in 1769 from Augusta                                                             


+1830 Census, Botetourt Co., VA, pg 260
Blankinship, Pleasant
Pleasant son of Joel Blankenship & Ann Wilson

11212010000, 00, 12100100000, 0013

FWM 40-49   (1781-1790) Self Pleasant

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Wife Rhoda Stewart

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Son William Pleasant

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Son Joel

FWM 15-19   (1811-1815) Son Arthur

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son Nehemiah

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son Marquis D.

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Rebecca P.

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son Tazewell

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Mary Elivizer

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Elender

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son Giles Edwin

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Julia Ann

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+Botetourt Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDH-CL5

Nehemiah Blankinship, - Susannah Ferris, - 25Apr1834

            Son of Pleasant Blankenship & Rhoda Stewart


+Botetourt Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDH-87D

                            Elizabeth Blankenship; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-M4P

                             Eliz'th Blankenship; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRCM-GZK

Elewizer Blankenship, - John B. Holly, - 14Sep1835

D/o Pleasant Blankenship,

Dau of Pleasant Blankenship & Rhoda Stewart


+Botetourt Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRCS-WJQ

                             Catharine Wertz; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDZ-DZX

                                           18Jan1836; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDH-85Z

Arthur M. Blankenship, - Catharine Wortz, - 26Jan1836

              Arthur Mosley Son of John Blankenship & Mary Ann Dillon




+Brunswick Co., VA, Marriage; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRQF-PMV

Laurinia W. Blankenship, - Daniel M. Green, - 09Apr1835


Buckingham created in 1761 from Albemarle                                                      


+1830 Census, Buckingham Co., VA, Page #303
Blankenship, Elisha Son of Gideon Blankenship & Sarah Nunnally
01000100000, 00, 12010000000, 00
FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self Elijah

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son Richard S.

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Martha A.

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Buckingham Co., VA, Page #313
Blankenship, Thomas
Son of Gideon Blankenship & Sarah Nunnally
00000100000, 00, 00001000000, 00
FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Campbell created in 1781 from Bedford                                                             


+1830 Census, Lynchburg, Campbell Co., VA, Page#347

Blankinship, Joel H.  Son of Henry Blankinship & Nancy Potter

30010100020, 00, 01200100000, 0011

FWM 70-79   (1751-1760)  Father Henry ?

FWM 70-79   (1751-1760)  Uncle Archer ?

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Self  Joel H.

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Wife Nancy Trent

FWM 15-19   (1811-1815) Son William H.

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Martha Jane

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Nancy P.

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Catherine B.

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son James P.

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son John C.

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son Joel Lep      

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Lynchburg, Campbell Co., VA, Page#348

Blankinship, Rowling Son of Archer Blankenship & Prudence Coudray

10001000000, 00, 10001000000, 004

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self Rowland Burgess

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Wife Sarah Johnson

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son John Archer

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Mary P.                   

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Lynchburg, Campbell Co., VA, Page#350

Blankinship, Joseph  Son of Henry Blankinship & Nancy Potter

00000010000, 00, 00000001000,002

FWM 40-49   (1781-1790) Self Joseph

FWF  50-59    (1771-1780) Wife Mary Anderson

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+Virginia Pension Roll of 1835

Blankenship, Henry

              Son of Hudson Blankenship & Edith Wilkinson

Campbell County

Private of Cavalry

Virginia Cont'l

$100.00 Annual Allowance

$300.00 Amount Received

December 28, 1832 Pension Started

Age 78


From: diane dhrenfrow(at)yahoo.com


Campbell County VA Marriages    transcribed by Jim @ Blankenshipweb.com


+Johns, Stephens                   Blankenship, Mary A.          11 Oct 1831  

            Dau of Joel H. Blankenship & Nancy Trent

+Trent, Marshal                    Blankenship, Martha            27 Sep 1836  

            Dau of Joel H. Blankenship & Nancy Trent


Campbell County VA Marriages    transcribed by Jim @ Blankenshipweb.com


+Blankenship, Rowland       Butler, Martha L.                 13 Nov 1837  

          Son of Archer Blankenship & Prudence Coudray


Charles City created in 1634 Original                                                               


+1830 Census, Charles City Co., VA, Page #104
Blankingship, Jesse
Son of Drury Blankenship & Martha ?
00000001000, 00, 00000000100, 00

FWM 50-59    (1771-1780) Self Jesse

FWF 60-69    (1761-1770) Wife Mica Moore

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Charlotte created in 1764 from Lunenburg                                                       


+Charlotte Co., VA, Marriages; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRCY-M3J

Mary E. Blankenship, - John H. Pegg, - 01Mar1832

              Dau of Abel Blankenship & Nancy Ann Carter


+Charlotte Co., VA, Marriages; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRCY-M82

John P. Blankenship, - Sally W. Waddell, - 06Dec1833

              Son of Abel Blankenship & Nancy Ann Carter


+Charlotte Co., VA, Marriages; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRCY-9ZY

Mary Blankenship, - Thomas Kersey, - 19Oct1837

Dau of Nathan Blankenship & Martha ?


+1838, Charlotte Co., VA, Will

Blankenship, Abel Son of Fore Blankinship & Lucy Mann

Charlotte Co., VA, Will Bk #8, Page #82,  Jan 1, 1838, (Extract) 

Wife: Nancy Daus: Fanny Morton, Mary E. Pigg, Nancy & Lucy Blankenship now living with my

wife Sons: Sam'l F Blankenship, David M Blankenship, William W Blankenship, Robert C Blankenship, Theodoric C Blankenship and John P Blankenship Minor Children: Nancy B Blankenship and Lucy C Blankenship Dated 15 Nov 1837

                                                          From Sue B. Altice  MrsLady002(at)aol.com


+1838, Charlotte Co., VA
Blankenship, Robert son of Abel Blankenship & Nancy Ann Carter
Bk #23, Page #156, 3 Aug 1840, David Blankenship &c to Robert Blankenship  PofA
     David Blankenship and John Blankenship of Wilson County, Tennessee to Robert Blankenship of Sumner County, Tennessee, power of attorney to receive from Thomas C. Spencer Jr., the legacy bequeathed to us by our father Abel Blankenship late of Charlotte County. Dated 5 Sep 1838 Rec 3 Aug 1840


Chesterfield created in 1749 from Henrico                                                        


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #220

Blankenship, Nathan? Son of Joel Blankenship & Ann Wilson
00000001000, 00, 00121001000, 00

FWM 50-59    (1771-1780) Self Nathan

FWF  50-59   (1771-1780) Wife Ada Andrews

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #224

Blankenship, John Son of
20100100000, 00, 20100100000, 00

FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self

FWF  30-39   (1791-1800) Wife

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

Poss. Son of Burwell Blankenship

Poss. Son of George Blankenship & Polly Charleton

Poss. Son of Ephraim Blankenship

Poss. Son of Nathan Blankenship & Ada Andrews

Poss. Son of Bret Blankenship

Poss. Son of Beverly Blankenship & Nancy Jane Anderson


1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #229

Blankenship, Abel Son of
00010001100, 00, 00002101000, 00

FWM 60-69    (1761-1770) Self

FWF  50-59   (1771-1780) Wife

FWM 50-59    (1771-1780) Son

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Dau

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #230

Blankenship, Theodore C. Son of Abel Blankenship & Nancy Ann Carter
00001000000, 00, 01001001000, 00

FWF  50-59    (1771-1780) Parent ?

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Self Theodore C.

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife Mary Winn

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #433

Blankenship, Archer
02111010000, 00, 20100010000, 00

FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self Archibald

FWF  40-49   (1781-1790) Wife

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Son Radford

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son John R.

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son William

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Maria

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #441

Blankenship, Emanuel Son of Stephen Blankenship & Jean Hutcheson
00100001000, 00, 00111000000, 00

Same as below                                  From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #441

Blankenship, Emanuel Son of Stephen Blankenship & Jean Hutcheson

00100001000, 00, 00111000000, 00

FWM 50-59    (1771-1780) Self Emanuel

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau Eliza

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau Martha

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Mary Susan

From Gene Rice grice(at)vmi74.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #442

Blankenship, Jemimah? Widow of Thomas Blankenship
00021000000, 00, 00110001000, 00

FWF  50-59    (1771-1780) Self

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Son

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #457

Blankenship, Mackness Son of Elam Blankenship & Elizabeth ?
00020010000, 00, 00000020000, 00

FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self Abraham Mackness

FWF  40-49    (1781-1790) Wife Rhoda Bowles

FWF  40-49    (1781-1790) Sister/in-law

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #465

Blankenship, Burrel Son of Henry Blankenship & Edith ?
12022000010, 00, 00122101000, 00

FWM 70-79    (1751-1760) Self Burwell

FWF  50-59   (1771-1780) Wife Judith Ann Snellings

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Dau

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Son

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Son Henry

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #465

Blankenship, Lawson Son of Abraham Blankenship & Susanna Wyatt
00010100000, 00, 21000100000, 00

FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self Lawson

FWF  30-39   (1791-1800) Wife Luney Martin

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son William B.

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Ardena G.

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #465

Blankenship, Josiah Son of
11001000000, 00, 10000110000, 00

FWF  40-49    (1781-1790) Parent

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Wife Frances Morris

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Self Josiah

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #468

Blankenship, Stanton Son of
10000000100, 00, 02200010000, 00

FWM 60-69    (1761-1770) Self Stanton

FWF  40-49   (1781-1790) Wife Susanna Perdue

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau  

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Maria C.

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Martha S.

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #469

Blankenship, Elizabeth Widow of William Blankenship
01100000000, 00, 20001000000, 00

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Self

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #469

Blankenship, George Son of George Blankenship & Mary Charleton
11111010000, 00, 11220100001, 00

FWF  80-89    (1741-1750) Mother Mary Charleton

FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self George

FWF  30-39   (1791-1800) Wife Polly Charleton

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Son Elam

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau Hannah

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #469

Blankenship, William Son of
01102010000, 00, 11010010000, 00

FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self

FWF  40-49   (1781-1790) Wife

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Son

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Son

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #472
Blankenship, Haley
Son of
10000010000, 00, 01101010000, 00
FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self Haley

FWF  40-49   (1781-1790) Wife Jane Hopkins

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


*1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #473

Blankenship, Clarisy or Clansy? Widow of ?
20001000000, 00, 00012002000, 00
FWF  50-59   (1771-1780) Self       or     Parent ?

FWF  50-59   (1771-1780) ?                    Parent ?

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Son              Self

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau in-law  Wife

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau              Sister

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau              Sister

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) GSon           Son

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) GSon           Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #477
Blankenship, Abraham
Son of
11110010000, 00, 10100101000, 00
FWF  50-59   (1771-1780) Parent

FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self

FWF  30-39   (1791-1800) Wife

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Rebecca H.

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #477
Blankenship, David
Son of Abel Blankenship &Nancy Ann Carter
10001000000, 00, 00001000000, 00
FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Self David M.

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife Mary Ann Perkinson

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #479
Blankenship, Daniel
Son of George Blankenship & Frances Moore
00100010000, 00, 00010010000, 00
FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self Daniel

FWF  40-49   (1781-1790) Wife Mary R. Dance

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


*1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #479

Blankenship, Leddy or Teddy? Widow of
00001000000, 00, 00000100100, 00
FWF 60-69    (1761-1770) Self

FWF  30-39   (1791-1800) Dau

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #482

Blankenship, William P.
no image

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #483
Blankenship, Blann
Joel Blankenship & Ann Wilson
00000000100, 00, 00000000100, 00
FWM 60-69   (1761-1770) Self Bland

FW F 60-69  (1761-1770) Wife Lucy Moore

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #484
Blankenship, Branch
Son of Stephen Blankenship
00101201000, 00, 00013001000, 00
FWM 50-59   (1771-1780) Self Branch

FWF  50-59  (1771-1780) Wife Hannah Hancock

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Son

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Son

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Son

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Dau

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Dau Cynthia

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Dau Nancy J.

FWF  15-19   (1811-1815) Dau Frances

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #484
Blankenship, Martha
Widow of
00000000000, 00, 00000000100, 00
FWF 60-69    (1761-1770) Wife

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #484

Blankenship, Chastain Son of
02000010000, 00, 12000100000, 00
FWM 40-49   (1781-1790) Self Chastain

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Wife Sarah Wiatt

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #485
Blankenship, Randolf
Son of
00001000000, 00, 00001000000, 00
FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self Randolph C.

FWF  20-29  (1801-1810) Wife Martha Womack

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #486
Blankenship, William
Son of
01101001000, 00, 00000001000, 00
FWM 50-59    (1771-1780) Self

FWF  50-59   (1771-1780) Wife

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Son

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA, Page #487
Blankenship, Chastain
Son of
11000010000, 00, 21001000000, 00
FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Virginia Pension Roll of 1835

Blankenship, Josiah

Chesterfield County


Virginia Militia

$26.66 Annual Allowance

$54.95 Amount Received

February 23, 1833 Pension Started

Age 76

Died March 26, 1833


From: diane dhrenfrow(at)yahoo.com


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-VMC

Martha A. Blankinship, - Lawson Wilson - 06Jan1830

D/o Ephriam Blankinship

              Dau of Ephraim Blankenship & Nancy J. Graves


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-5YK

Elizabeth Blankenship, - John F. Bailey, - 06Feb1830


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-R21

Emilia Blankinship, - Woodson W. Powell, - 21Dec1830

D/o Burwell & Judith Blankinship

              Dau of Burwell Blankenship & Judith Ann Snellings


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-RLN

Elizabeth Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: Blankinship, - Thos. Dance, - 10Jan1831


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-TVS

Elam Blankinship, - Minerva Elam, - 05Apr1831

D/o Charles Elam

              Son of George Blankenship & Mary Charleton


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-TQ3

Mary Blankinship,- Levy Godsey, - 14Apr1831

Dou of George & Mary Blankinship

              Dau of George Blankenship & Mary Charleton


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-B31

Vincent Blankenship, - Nancy C. Nobles, - 03Aug1831

              Son of Thomas Blankenship & Mary Smith


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-VS4

MacKness Blankenship, - Nancy Godsey, - 04Oct1831

D/o Thomas Godsey,

              Abraham Mackness Son of ?


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-YBH

Martha Blankenship, - Thomas R. Winfree - 29Dec1831

            Dau of Emanuel Blankenship & Sarah Hobbs Walthall


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-BQ5

Elizabeth Blankenship, - Edward Crowder, - 20Feb1832

D/o Daniel Blankenship,

              Dau of Daniel Blankenship & Mary R. Dance


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-VVL

Rebecca P. Blankinship. - James B. Wilson, - 07Nov1832

              Dau of Pleasant Blankenship & Elizabeth Vaden


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-KQV

Alfred Blankinship, - Mary Cheatham, - 05Jan1833

D/o Henry & Sosha Cheatham,


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-K4T

Cynthia Blankinship, - Ezeriah Bailey, - 01Jul1833


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-K7W

Lavinia Blankinship, - James Berry, - 19Mar1833


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-YTG

                                           11Nov1833; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-K6V

Stephen Blankingship, - Mary Powel, - 20Nov1833

              Son of Jesse Blankenship & Mica Moore


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-2W5  

03Sep1834; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-129

Cynthia Blankinship, - Josiah Smith, - 02Sep1834

D/o Branch Blankinship,

              Dau of Branch Blankenship & Hannah Hancock


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-K6K

Nancy J. Blankinship, - Ellerson Gill, - 18Nov1833

D/o Branch Blankinship,

              Dau of Branch Blankenship & Hannah Hancock


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-24M

                                           18Sep1834; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-186

Hannah Blankinship, John Beasley, - 15Sep1834

D/o Geo. Blankinship,

              Dau of George Blankenship & Mary Charleton


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-2XC

Ann Blankinship, - Seth W. Flournoy, - 07Jan1835

              Dau of Stanton Blankenship & Susanna Perdue


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-1ZV

                                           09Feb1835; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-2XT

Richardson Blankinship, - Myra H. Hatcher, - 12Feb1835

              Son of Jesse Blankenship & Mica Moore


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-2JP

Mary Susan Blankingship, - John R. Wyatt, - 16Jul1835

D/o Laban Blankinship, - S/o John Wyatt,

              Dau of Laban Blankenship & Sarah Rowlett


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-1ZP

Betsey Blankinship, - Rowlett Dance, - 14Oct1835


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-T4R

                                           17Dec1835; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-189

Mary Susan Blankenship, - Edward H. Shell, - 14Dec1835

D/o Eml. Blankinship,

              Dau of Emanuel Blankenship & Sarah Hobbs Walthall


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRDD-184

                                           Thomas N. Shell; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-T29

Martha A. Blankinship, - Thos. N. Shell, - 24Dec1835


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-LQX

Frances Blankinship, - Royall Powell, - 20Dec1836

D/o Branch Blankinship,

              Dau of Branch Blankenship & Hannah Hancock


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD6-MQV

Mariah C. Blankinship, - Edward Rudd, - 11Jan1837

              Dau of Stanton Blankenship & Susanna Perdue


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-T2T

Maria Blankinship, - Allen Nunnally, - 02Feb1837

D/o Archd. Blankinship

              Dau of Archibald Blankenship


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-TLQ

Robert W. Blankinship, - Mary Jordan, - 13Feb1837

D/o Mary Jordan,


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-YSH

Patience Blankinship, - Seth Adkins, - 25Nov1837


1850 Census, Chesterfield Co., VA,

Adkins, Seth                       M, 50, VA,

Adkins, Patience                F, 45, VA,

Adkins, John                      M, 15, VA,



+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD6-M4D

                             D/o James W. Stringer; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-YHB

William Green Blankinship, - Dolly Stringer, - 21 Dec 1837


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-L78

Levi Blankenship, - Thena Turner, - 01Feb1838


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD6-CXN

Richd. Blankenship, - Thursa H. Hatcher, - 12Feb1838

              Son of Jesse Blankenship & Mica Moore


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-L2R

Thomas Jennings Blankinship, - Elizabeth Hobbs, - 03Sep1838


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-L2W

William W. Blankinship, - Catharine W. Stevenson, - 17Dec1838

D/o Thomas Stevison


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-GMC

George W. Blankenship, - Harriett H. Hubbard, - 20Dec1838

D/o Judith Hubbard,


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD6-944

Martha S. Blankenship, - William E. Crump, - 16May1839

              Dau of Stanton Blankenship & Susanna Perdue


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-G5R

Rebecca H. Blankinship, - Le Roy Burton, - 29Oct1839

D/o Abram Blankinship,


+Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD8-PJ3

                             Phebe Kyper - 30Nov1839; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRD6-9XW

Le Roy Blankenship, 21 [1818] - Phebe Kiper, 21 [1818] - 10Dec1839


+1831, Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriage

December 29, 1831, Thos. R. Winfree to Martha Blankenship, daughter of Emanuel Blankenship Security and witness, Jno. B. Goode

                                                          From Gene Rice grice(at)vmi74.com


+1831, Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriage

Abraham Mackness Blankenship to Nancy Godsey Oct.4, 1831 in Chesterfield Co.,VA.

From: "Don B." donblank(at)earthlink.net


+1835, Chesterfield Co., VA, Marriages, Page #446

December 14, 1835, Edward H. Shell to Mary Susan Blankenship, dau. of Emanuel Blankenship, who consents Wit: Em'l Blankenship, p. 250 Married December 17 by Leonard Nunnally

From Gene Rice grice(at)vmi74.com


1837, Chesterfield Co., VA

Valentine Papers of Va, Marriage returns to court by ministers;

Mary Jordan to Robert W. Blankinship feby. 6, 1837

                                                          From: "Don B." donblank(at)earthlink.net


+1838, Chesterfield Co., VA, Death

Blankenship, William son of John Blankenship & Elizabeth Hudson

Richmond Enquirer, October 5, 1838, page 3, column 5.

Death of Blankenship, William of Chesterfield Co., VA

From: Don B. donblank(at)earthlink.net


+1839, Chesterfield Co., VA, Estate Inventory

Blankenship, Emanuel Parents Unk

Emanuel Blankenship Inventory dated April 1839.


Clarke created in 1836 from Frederick                                                               


Cumberland created in 1748 from Goochland                                                  


1830 Census, Cumberland Co., VA, Page #183
Blankenship, William
Son of
10002110000, 00, 00100100000, 00
FWM 40-49   (1781-1790) Self

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Wife

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) ?

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Son

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Son

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1838, Cumberland Co., VA, Chancery Record
Lucy Blankenship VS.
Anderson, Blankenship, Elson, Wood 1838 Reel #023
                                                          From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


Dinwiddie created in 1752 from Prince George                                                


+1830 Census, Petersburg Twp, Dinwiddie Co., VA, Page #351
Blankenship, Radford

20001000000, 00, 00001000000, 00
FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self Redford

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Petersburg Twp, Dinwiddie Co., VA, Page #365

Blankenship, Henry Son of
00002000000, 00, 00001000000, 00
FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Self Henry

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife

FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Brother ?

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

Son of Daniel Blankenship

Henry m. Drusilla Pierce in 1821 in Greenup Co., KY

Henry m. Cynthia Bailey in 1829 in Chesterfield Co., VA


+1830 Census, Dinwiddie Co., VA, Page #398

Blankinship, Ephraim Son of Abraham Blankenship & Frances Worsham
00000010000, 00, 00002000000, 00
FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self Ephraim

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau Matilda

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau Saroilda

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Floyd created in 1831 from Montgomery                                                            


Franklin created in 1785 from Bedford, Henry                                                 


+1830 Census, Franklin Co., VA, Page #46
Blankenship, Smith
Son of
00000000100, 00, 00000001000, 00
FWM 60-69    (1761-1770) Self Smith

FWF  50-59   (1771-1780) Wife Jemima Charlton

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Franklin Co., VA, Page #47
Blankenship, Thomas
Son of John Blankenship & Patricia Blankenship
10101000000, 00, 10001000000, 00
FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Self Thomas

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife Mary Hughes

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son George

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Sarah J.

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Franklin Co., VA, Page #48
Blankenship, Andrew
Son of
00000101000, 00, 20000100000, 00

FWM 50-59   (1771-1780) Self Andrew

FWF  30-39   (1791-1800) Wife Rhoda Baker

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Son

FWF    0-4     (1826-1830) Dau Nancy

FWF    0-4     (1826-1830) Dau Jeminia

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Franklin Co., VA, Page #48

Blankenship, Legin Son of Peter Blankenship, Sr. & Ceciley ?

10200000010, 00, 00110010010, 00

FWM 70-79    (1751-1760) Self Ligon, Sr.

FWF 60-69    (1761-1770) Wife Frances Dillon

FWF  40-49     (1781-1790) Dau

FWF  15-19  (1811-1815) GDau

FWM 10-14  (1816-1820) GSon

FWM 10-14  (1816-1820) GSon

FWF  10-14  (1816-1820) GDau

FWM   0-4    (1826-1830) GSon

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Franklin Co., VA, Page #48
 Blankenship, Abe Son of
44200000000, 00, 40003200100, 00

A number for Abe is missing Abraham

FWF 60-69   (1761-1770) Wife

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800)

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800)

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810)

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810)

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810)

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Franklin Co., VA, Page #49
 Blankenship, John Son of Peter Blankenship, Sr. & Ceciley ?
01000001000, 00, 00000000100, 00

FWM 50-59   (1771-1780) Self John

FWF 60-69   (1761-1770) Wife Patricia Blankenship

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son John Peter

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Franklin Co., VA, Page #50

Blankenship, Lewis Son of
21001000000, 00, 00001000000, 00

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self Lewis

FWF  20-29  (1801-1810) Wife Frances Blankenship

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+Franklin Co., VA, Marriage: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRQ6-N8N

Lewis W. Blankenship, - Elizabeth Mitchell, - 05Jan1832


+Franklin Co., VA, Marriages

Lewis W. Blankenship Elizabeth Mitchell d/o Wm. Mitchell 04 January 1832 Surety: Thomas Mitchell

From Kathy English eeupnorth(at)voyager.net




Personal Property Tax Lists, Key

1st number            of white males over 16

2nd number           of slaves over 16

3rd number           of slaves 12-16

4th number           of horses


+1830, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Smith                  0001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1830, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Lewis                  0001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1830, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Thomas              0001

Son of John Blankenship & Patricia Blankenship

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com

*1830, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Samuel               -----

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com




+1831, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Smith                  0001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1831, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Lewis                  0001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1831, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Thomas              0001

Son of John Blankenship & Patricia Blankenship

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com




*1832, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Saml D.              1000

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1832, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Levi                     1000

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1832, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Smith                  1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1832, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Andrew             1000

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1832, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Thomas              1001

Son of John Blankenship & Patricia Blankenship

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1832, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Peter                   1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1832, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Wm                     1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com




1833, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Levi                     1000

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1833, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Smith                  1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1833, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Lewis                  1002

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1833, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Andrew             1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1833, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Thomas              1000

Son of John Blankenship & Patricia Blankenship

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1833, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Peter                   1000

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1833, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Wm                     1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com




1835, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, John                    0001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com

*1835, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, ?                           1001 probably Smith 1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com

+1835, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Lewis                  1000

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1835, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Andrew             1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1835, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Thomas              1001

Son of John Blankenship & Patricia Blankenship

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1835, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Peter                   1000

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com




*1836, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, ?                           1000 prob Smith

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1836, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Andrew             1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1836, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Thomas              1001

Son of John Blankenship & Patricia Blankenship

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com

1836, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, John                    0001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com




1837, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Andrew             1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


+1837, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Thomas              1001

Son of John Blankenship & Patricia Blankenship

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com




+1838, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Lewis                  1000

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1838, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, John                    1000

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


1838, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, A List
Blankenship, Lewis W.

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com

1838, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Andrew           -----

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com

1838, Franklin Co., VA, Personal Property Tax Lists, B List
Blankenship, Thomas              1001

From; Ralph L. Hayes rlhayes(at)juno.com


Giles created in 1806 from Montgomery, Tazewell, Monroe                             


+1830 Census, Giles Co., VA, Page #213
Blankinship, John Son of Cisley Blankenship
10200010000, 00, 01100010000, 00

FWM 40-49   (1781-1790) Self John

FWF  40-49  (1781-1790) Wife Mary Ann Dillon

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son Arthur Mosley

FWF  10-14   (1816-1820) Dau Frances Hannah

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau Mary Ann

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son Thomas Rice

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Giles Co., VA, Page #213

Blankinship, More? Mose? Son of John Blankenship & Mary Ann Dillon
10001000000, 00, 00001000000, 00

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self William Moore

FWF  20-29  (1801-1810) Wife Mary Martin

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son John Martin

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Giles Co., VA, Page #213
Blankinship, Richard Son of Peter Blankenship, Sr. & Ceciley ?
00010000100, 00, 01210010000, 00

FWM 60-69   (1761-1770) Self Richard

FWF  40-49  (1781-1790) Wife Rebecca Dillon

FWM 15-19   (1811-1815) Son Lewis

FWF  15-19   (1811-1815) Dau Malinda

FWF  10-14   (1816-1820) Dau Martha

FWF  10-14   (1816-1820) Dau Rebecca

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Giles Co., VA, Page #214

Blankinship, Stephen Son of Richard Blankenship & Rebecca Dillon
11000100000, 00, 12001100000, 00

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Self Stephen

FWF  30-39  (1791-1800) Wife Eleanor Cole

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) ?

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son Isaac Turner

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau Katherine

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son Edward

FWF    0-4     (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Giles Co., VA, Page #214
Blankinship, Berry Son of Shadrack Blankenship and Edith Perdue
11100100000, 00, 12101000010, 00

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Self Berry

FWF  20-29  (1801-1810) Wife Frances Burton

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son Elias Elam

FWF  10-14   (1816-1820) Dau

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son William

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau Lydia Elizabeth

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son Otey Burl

FWF    0-4     (1826-1830) Dau Rhoda

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Giles Co., VA, Page #214

Blankinship, Noah Son of Shadrack Blankenship and Edith Perdue
21000000000, 00, 12101000000, 00

A number for Noah is missing  Noah I.

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife Nancy French

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Lucinda

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son James Madison

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Violet

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son William Charlton, Sr.

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son Anderson Jackson

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Mahala

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Giles Co., VA, Page #215

Blankinship, Hillery Son of Richard Blankenship, Jr.
00200001000, 00, 00220010000, 00

FWM 50-59   (1771-1780) Self Henry Hillery

FWF  40-49  (1781-1790) Wife Betty Walker

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+Giles Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:HV33-3SZM

Elias Blankenship, - Lettie Pruitt, - 1833

            Elias Elam Son of Berry Blankenship & Frances Burton


+Giles Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X5Y1-4GD

Lewis Blankenship, - Polly Jones, - 25Feb1833

            Son of Richard Blankenship & Rebecca Dillon


+Giles Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X5Y1-QM3

Martha Blankenship, - Tard Jones, - 25Feb1833

D/o Richard Blankenship,

            Dau of Richard Blankenship & Rebecca Dillon


+Giles Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X5Y1-76J

Lucinda Blankenship, - Colby Burton, - 21Apr1834

S/o Elias Burton,

            Dau of Noah Blankenship & Nancy French


+Giles Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X5Y1-H6B

Fannah Blankenship, - Abraham Garrison, - 29Dec1834

          Dau of John Blankenship & Mary Ann Dillon


Goochland created in 1727 from Henrico                                                                      


+1830 Census, Goochland Co., VA, Page #142
Blankinship, Woodson
03101000000, 00, 00010100000, 00

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self Woodson

FWF  30-39  (1791-1800) Wife Nancy Hopkins    

FWF  15-19   (1811-1815) Dau

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son Hilliard

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son Francis W.

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son Samuel

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1835, Goochland Co., VA, Death

Blankenship, Joel  Son of Pleasant Blankenship & Elizabeth Vaden

Richmond courier and daily compiler (Richmond, Va. Thursday, May 28, 1835)

Died- In Richmond, Joel Blankenship, in his 45th year (b. 1790). Funeral tomorrow. No date. (p. 3, c. 1)

From: "Don B." donblank(at)earthlink.net

+1836, Goochland Co., VA, Death

Blankenship, Wiley Archer Son of

Richmond courier and daily compiler (p. 3, c. 1) Thursday, December 22, 1836
Died- On Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1836 Wiley Archer Blankenship, a native of Paynesville, Amelia County, in his 25th year.
Gen. note From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia.
                                                          From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net

Poss. brother of Woodson Blankenship


Greene created in 1838 from Orange                                                                  


Halifax created in 1752 from Lunenburg                                                            


+1830 Census, Halifax Co., VA, Page #370
Blankenship, Hezekiah Son of
00100010000, 00, 02310010000, 00

FWM 40-49   (1781-1790) Self Hezekiah

FWF  40-49  (1781-1790) Wife Elizabeth Ligon

FWF  15-19   (1811-1815) Dau Mary Moody

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son Levi A.

FWF  10-14   (1816-1820) Dau Nancy G.

FWF  10-14   (1816-1820) Dau Elizabeth L.

FWF  10-14   (1816-1820) Dau Martha Christine

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau Susan N.

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau Sarah A.

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Halifax Co., VA, Page #372
Blankinship, Bennett Son of
11001000000, 00, 01001000000, 00

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self Bennett Burnet

FWF  20-29  (1801-1810) Wife Catherine Huddleston

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son John

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau Nancy Elizabeth

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son James

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

*1830 Census, Halifax Co., VA, Page #373
Blankenship, Mary Widow of
00120000000, 00, 00121010000, 00

FWF  40-49   (1781-1790) Self

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Dau

FWM 15-19   (1811-1815) Son

FWM 15-19   (1811-1815) Son

FWF  15-19   (1811-1815) Dau

FWF  15-19   (1811-1815) Dau

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son

FWF  10-14   (1816-1820) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Halifax Co., VA, Page #373
Blankenship, Daniel Son of
10101000000, 00, 10001000000, 00

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self Daniel

FWF  20-29  (1801-1810) Wife Haxy Harper

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Bro Edwin C. ?

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com

+1830 Census, Halifax Co., VA, Page #374
Blankenship, William Son of
01000100000, 00, 00000010000, 00

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Self William

FWF  40-49  (1781-1790) Wife Cattey Francis

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+Halifax Co., VA, Marriage; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X5YT-J9B

Lewis Blankinship, - Susanna King, - 30Oct1832


+Halifax Co., VA, Marriage; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X5YT-KXQ

Levi A. Blankenship, - Mary Allen, - 04Feb1835

D/o Charles Allen,

            Son of Hezekiah Blankenship & Elizabeth Ligon


+Halifax Co., VA, Marriage; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMD-KQP8

Mary M. Blankenship, - James New, - 25Apr1836

            Dau of Hezekiah Blankenship & Elizabeth Ligon


+Halifax Co., VA, Marriage; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X5YT-Y8K

Levi A. Blankinship, - Sarah Jane Ligon, - 12Mar1839

D/o Sarah Ligon,

            Son of Hezekiah Blankenship & Elizabeth Ligon


+Halifax Co., VA, Marriage; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMD-KQP6

                             D/o H. Blankinship; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X5YT-14G

Martha C. Blankenship, - James C. McCargo, - 05Nov1839

            Dau of Hezekiah Blankenship & Elizabeth Ligon


Halifax County Marriages                 transcribed by Jim @ Blankenshipweb.com


New, James                            Blankenship, Mary M.                     25 Apr 1836  

McCargo, James C.             Blankenship, Martha C.                   05 Nov 1839  


Halifax County VA Marriages              transcribed by Jim @ Blankenshipweb.com


Blankenship, Levi A.             Ligon, Sarah Jane                             30 Oct 1832

Blankenship, Hezekiah         Ligon, Elizabeth                                12 Mar 1839


Halifax Co., VA

Halifax Co.,VA, records & Minute Books Blankenships as either plaintiffs or defendants
+Daniel Blankenship            1830 - only Haxey Harper
Edwin C. Blankenship        1834 – only

From Wanda Ridge wridge(at)hnb.com

Henrico created in 1634 Original                                                                        


+1830 Census, Henrico Co., VA, Page #304
Blankenship, Olive? or Alise? Son of Ephraim Blankenship, Sr. & Ann Wilson
01100010000, 00, 12010010000, 00

FWM 40-49   (1781-1790) Self Oliver

FWF  40-49  (1781-1790) Wife Mary

FWF  15-19   (1811-1815) Dau

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son Fendal A.

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son Oliver II

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau Mary

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825) Dau Martha

FWF    0-4     (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+Henrico Co., VA, Marriage; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XR6J-MJG

Fendall A. Blankenship, - Elizabeth McManners, - 04Oct1836

          Son of Oliver Blankenship & Mary ?


Henryco County VA Marriages        transcribed by Jim @ Blankenshipweb.com


+Blankenship, Fenddell        McManners, Elizabeth A     04 Oct 1836

          Son of Olive Blankenship


+1836, Henrico Co., VA, Marriage

Blankenship, Fendal A. Son of Olive Blankenship

Richmond courier and daily compiler (p. 3, c. 1) Monday, October 10, 1836
Married- On Thursday, Oct. 6, 1836 by Rev. Philip Courtney,  Fendal A. Blankenship to Miss Elizabeth McManners, all of Henrico county.

Gen. note From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia.
                                                From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


Lee created in 1792 from Russell                                                                          


+1830 Census, Lee Co., VA, Page #293

Blankenship, Archibald  Son of  Arthur M. Blankenship & Mary Francis Munsey

01100100000, 00, 21010100000, 007

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800)  Self  Archibald

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Wife  Sarah Richardson

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau Nancy

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820)  Son  William

FWF    5-9     (1821-1825)  Dau  Selley

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825)  Son  ?

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau  Mary

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau  Camilla

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Lee Co., VA, Page #292

Blankenship, Arthur Son of Nowell Blankenship & Mary ?
02111000100, 00, 20010100000, 0010

FWM 60-69   (1761-1770) Self   Arthur M.

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Wife Lavina Munsey

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Son ?

FWM 15-19   (1811-1815) Son ?

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau Elizabeth Woodward ?

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son Charles Campbell

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son Josephus

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son Benjamin F.

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Hattie

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Lousia

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Lee Co., VA, Marriage; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X5BM-5MW

Arthur Blankinship, - Levina T. Burgon, - 13Jul1834

Son of Nowell Blankenship & Mary ?


+1830, Lee Co., VA, Grant Title
Blankenship, Arthur Son of Nowell Blankenship & Mary ?
Land Office Grants No. 78, 1828-1830, p. 463 (Reel 144).

15 January 1830, 125 acres in the Poor Valley.
                                                          From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


+1832, Lee Co., VA, Grant Title
Blankenship, Arthur Son of Nowell Blankenship & Mary ?
Land Office Grants No. 81, 1832-1833, p. 320 (Reel 147).

 5 November 1832, 75 acres in the Poor Valley.
                                                          From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


+1837, Lee Co., VA, Grant Title
Blankinship, Arthur Son of Nowell Blankenship & Mary ?
Land Office Grants No. 87, 1837, p. 376 (Reel 153).
20 October 1837,  44 acres on Sugar Run Creek.

                                                From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


Montgomery created in 1776 from Fincastle                                                                 


+1830 Census, Montgomery Co., VA, Page #55
Blankenship, Charles
00000100000, 00, 00011000000, 00
FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Nottoway created in 1788 from Amelia                                                               


+1833, Nottoway Co., VA, Marriage

Blankenship, Ann R. Dau of Samuel Blankenship &

Richmond Whig & public advertiser (p.2, c.3) Friday, March 12, 1841
Married, On Feb. 25, 1833 by Rev. Asa Crenshaw, John M. Vaughan, to Miss Ann R. Blankenship, dau. of Samuel Blankenship, all of Nottoway County
Gen. note From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers

                                                          From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


+1833, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, Samuel            1401

              Son of John W. Blankenship & Ann ?

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com


+1834, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, Shadrack         1001

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com


+1834, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, Samuel            1312

              Son of John W. Blankenship & Ann ?

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com

1835, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, Samuel            1314

              Son of John W. Blankenship & Ann ?

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com

+1835, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, Shadrack         1000

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com


+1836, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, Samuel            1310 

              Son of John W. Blankenship & Ann ?

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com

1836, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, John                 1101

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com


+1837, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, Samuel            1415
              Son of John W. Blankenship & Ann ?

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com


+1838, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, Samuel            1513

Son of John W. Blankenship & Ann ?

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com


+1839, Nottoway Co., VA, Personal Property Tax List

LDS microfilm 1870185
Key-whites >16, slaves >16, slaves 12-16, horses

Blankenship, Samuel            1424

              Son of John W. Blankenship & Ann ?

From: Ralph Hayes ralphhayes1(at)msn.com


Page created in 1831 from Rockingham, Shenandoah                                        


Pittsylvania created in 1766 from Halifax                                                                     


+1830 Census, Pittsylvania Co., VA, Page #346
Blankenship, Levy
01000100000, 00, 30001000000, 00
FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Pittsylvania Co., VA, Page #398
Blankenship, John Son of  John Blankenship & Mary Wallace
00000001000, 00, 00001010000, 00
FWM 50-59    (1771-1780) Self John

FWF  40-49   (1781-1790) Wife Sally Albert

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Pension application of John Blankenship S6667 fn24Va.

Transcribed by Will Graves 3/1/09

State of Virginia, Pittsylvania County

On this 5th day of September 1832 Personally appeared before me Stickley Turner [sic, Stokley Turner] a Justice of the Peace for the County of Pittsylvania and State aforesaid John Blankenship a resident of the County of Pittsylvania and State of Virginia aged 72 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his Oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States under the following named Officers and Served as herein Stated. I was drafted into the Militia Service some time in the winter of the year 1781 and marched from the County of Lunenburg in the State of Virginia in a Company which was commanded by Capt. Sylvanus Walker, Lieut. Matthew Murry and Ensign James Speed, through Charlotte County in Halifax, and was stationed at Boyd's ferry on Dan River for some time, from there we marched into the State of North Carolina, and joined the General Green's [sic, Nathanael Greene's] Army. We were stationed for some time on the high rock in Rockingham County, from there we were regularly marching in different directions, until we met with the British who were Commanded by Lord Cornwallis in the County of Guilford North Carolina, we had a severe Battle with them, but were defeated, Capt. John Thompson was killed in the engagement, we retreated, but Rendezvoused again at Troublesome Iron Works near Haw River we marched from that place under General Greene in pursuit of Lord Cornwallis until we arrived at Ramsey's Mills on Deep River, I was discharged at that place about the last of March or first of April 1781, the whole of the time of Service rendered on this tour was at least 2 months, my discharge is lost and cannot be found. I have no documentary evidence, and I do not know any person living that was in Service with me at that time.

On the 10th of April 1781 I again entered the Service of the United States as a Substitute for my Father John Blankenship (he being drafted) and marched from the said County of Lunenburg in a Company under the Command of Capt. Robertson & Lieut. Jones direct to Petersburg and from thence through Prince George's County to Cabin Point, and was stationed at that place under Col. Stokes until the last of May or first of June, when I was discharged by Capt. Robertson, the whole time of Service rendered on this tour was at least 50 days, my discharge is lost and cannot be found, and I do not know any Person living that was in Service with me at that time.

On the 12th day of June 1781 I was drafted into the Service of the United States and marched from the said County of Lunenburg in a Company of Militia which was Commanded by Capt. Elliston Ellis &c through Nottoway and Dinwiddie, to Petersburg and was Stationed at that Place several days. I was transferred to Capt. Edward Jones' Company and marched to Newson's Springs on James River in Col. Glenn's Regiment, from thence, to Hog Island, on the same River, and stationed there for some time; then Crossed James River, marched through Williamsburg crossed York River, and was stationed at Gloucester town under General Waine

Son of John Blankenship & Mary Wallace


From: diane dhrenfrow(at)yahoo.com


Virginia Pension Roll of 1835

Blankenship, John Son of John Blankenship & Mary Wallace

Pittsylvania County


Virginia Militia

$26.66 AnnuaL AllowancE

$44.09 Amount Received

March 14, 1833 Pension Started

Age 74

Died October 28, 1832


From: diane dhrenfrow(at)yahoo.com


Powhatan created in 1777 from Cumberland                                                    


+1830 Census, Powhaten Co., VA, Page #259
Blankenship, A. G. Son of 
10001000000, 00, 21001000000, 00
FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Self Asa G.

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife Martha A. Tuck

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son George B.

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+Powhatan Co., VA, Marriage; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRWF-577

Hilliard Blankinship, - Caroline Pemberton, - 29Aug1836

D/o John Pemberton

              Son of Woodson Blankenship & Nancy ?


Prince Edward created in 1753 from Amelia                                                   


+1830 Census, Prince Edward Co., VA, Page #101
Blankinship, Braxton Son of  John W. Blankenship & Nancy Mardia
10000100000, 00, 21001000000, 00
FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self Braxton

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife Orantha Farley

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Laura E.

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son William M.

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Levenia

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Nancy

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Prince Edward Co., VA, Page #110
Blankinship, Samuel Son of  Abel Blankenship & Nancy Ann Carter
20001000000, 00, 12100100000, 00
FWM 20-29    (1801-1810) Self Samuel F.

FWF  30-39   (1791-1800) Wife Nancy Watson

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son Robert S.

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son John W.

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Prince Edward Co., VA, Page #113
Blankinship, William W. Son of  Abel Blankenship & Nancy Ann Carter
01000100000, 00, 32001000000, 00
FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self William W.

FWF  20-29   (1801-1810) Wife Harriet Dixon   

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son Fielding

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau  M. J.

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Elvira Ann

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Nancy

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Lucinda

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Harriet B.

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Pulaski created in 1839 from Montgomery, Wythe                                           


Pulaski Co., VA, Marriage

+Blankenship, Mary                         Samuel Brookman                 Dec 5, 1839    


Rappahannock created in 1833 from Culpeper                                                           


Richmond City independent city 1871                                                              

1830 Cen., Jefferson, W. Richmond City, VA, Page #430
Blankenship, Thomas
00001000000, 00, 20001000000, 000

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Wife

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com



+1830 Cen., Jefferson, W. Richmond City, VA, Page #431
Blankenship, Joel Son of Pleasant Blankenship & Elizabeth Vaden
00000100000, 00, 00000100000, 000

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Self Joel

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Wife


From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com



1830 Cen., Madison, W. Richmond Twp., Richmond Co., VA, Page #409
Blankenship, Alexander

00001000000, 00, 00000000000, 000

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com



+1833, Richmond, VA, Marriage

Blankenship, Elizabeth Frances Dau of Redford Blankenship & Harriet ?

Richmond Whig & public advertiser, (p. 1, c. 4)Monday, July 5, 1852
Married- On July 1, 1833 by Rev. Jacob Manning, Samuel Jefferson Wilkinson, to Miss Elizabeth Frances, eldest dau. Redford Blankenship, all of Richmond.

Gen. note From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia.

From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


+Richmond, VA, Marriages

Richmond Enquirer, January 6, 1831, p. 3, c. 6.

Blankenship, Emily               Powell, Woodson W.

Dau of Redford Blankenship & Harriet ?



Richmond, VA, Marriages

Richmond Enquirer, February 12, 1839, p. 3, c. 6.

Blankenship, Levy                 Turner, Thena



+1835, Richmond, VA, Death

Blankenship, Joel Son of Pleasant Blankenship & Elizabeth Vaden

Richmond courier and daily compiler (p. 3, c. 1) Thursday, May 28, 1835
 Died - In Richmond, Joel Blankenship, in his 45th year. Funeral tomorrow. No date.
Gen. note From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia.

From Don Blankenship db-email(at)earthlink.net


Roanoke created in 1838 from Botetourt                                                            


Roanoke Co., VA, Marriages

+Blankenship, Marquis D.   Lucinda Shartzer                  Aug 28, 1839

Son of Wiley Pleasant Blankenship & Rhoda Stewart

+Blankenship, Evaline          Jacob Smelser                        Oct 13, 1839


Russell created in 1786 from Washington                                                                       


+1830 Census, Russell Co., VA, Page #139

Blankenship, Zachah Son of William Blankenship, Sr. & Martha Riggens
11000100000, 00, 1200100000, 007

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Self  Zachariah

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Wife Dorcas Lester

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son John

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau ?

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau ?

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son Martin

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Martha

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Russell Co., VA, Page #139

Blankenship, Connally Son of William Blankenship, Sr. & Martha Riggens
11220010000, 00, 21210010000, 0014

FWM 40-49    (1781-1790) Self Conley

FWF  40-49    (1781-1790) Wife Martha Patsy Lester

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son Raleigh

FWM 15-19    (1811-1815) Son William R.

FWF  15-19    (1811-1815) Dau Rebecca

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son Daniel David

FWM 10-14    (1816-1820) Son Obediah

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Rebecca

FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau ?

FWM   5-9      (1821-1825) Son Hezekiah

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau ?

FWM   0-4      (1826-1830) Son Willis

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Mary

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau ?

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Russell Co., VA, Page #140

Blankenship, Presley Son of William Blankenship, Sr. & Martha Riggens

00000100000, 00, 22000010000, 006

FWM 30-39    (1791-1800) Self  Presley

FWF  40-49    (1781-1790) Wife Ruth Lester

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


1830 Census, Russell Co., VA, Page #140
Blankenship, Presley
00000100000, 00, 22000010000, 00

+1830 Census, Russell Co., VA, Page #140

Blankenship, Ralph son of Ralph Blankenship, III & Edith Nunnally

00002000100, 00, 00001001000, 004

FWM 60-69   (1761-1770) Self  Ralph IV

FWF  50-59    (1771-1780) Wife Edith Nunnally

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Son

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Son

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Salem (City) created in 1836 from Roanoke                                                      


Smyth created in 1832 from Washington, Wythe                                               


Tazewell created in 1799 from Russell, Wythe                                                   


+1830 Census, Tazewell Co., VA, Page #192

Blankenship, Tolbert son of Joseph Blankinship, Jr. & Sarah Tolbert
21100100000, 00,10000100000, 007

FWM 30-39   (1791-1800) Self  Tolbert

FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Wife Jane Bostiff

FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son

FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Tazewell Co., VA, Page #192

Blankenship, William son of Joseph Blankinship, Jr. & Sarah Tolbert
01220010000, 00, 11100100000, 6016
FWM 40-49   (1781-1790) Self William
FWF  30-39    (1791-1800) Wife Sarah Drake
FWM 15-19   (1811-1815) Son Edmund B.
FWM 15-19   (1811-1815) Son John W.
FWF  10-14    (1816-1820) Dau Elizabeth
FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son George W.
FWM 10-14   (1816-1820) Son Wilburn
FWM   5-9     (1821-1825) Son
FWF    5-9      (1821-1825) Dau Eleanor Nelly
FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau Martha Patsy

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


+1830 Census, Tazewell Co., VA, Page #193

Blankinship, Isom Son of Zachariah Blankenship & Edith Blankenship
20001000000, 00, 10001000000, 005

FWM 20-29   (1801-1810) Self  Isham

FWF  20-29    (1801-1810) Wife Mary

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

FWM   0-4     (1826-1830) Son

FWF    0-4      (1826-1830) Dau

From: Frank Blankenship Lonewolf1498(at)cs.com


Tazewell Co., VA, Marriage

+Blankenship, Mahala         Micajah Bailey                      Jun 7, 1832    

Dau of Samuel Blankenship & Ann Dillon

+Blankenship, Rawley          Leah Payne                            Jul 21, 1833    

+Blankenship, Betsy                         Elijah Blankenship               Nov 9, 1833

              Elizabeth Dau of William Blankenship, Sr. & Sarah Drake

+Blankenship, Elijah            Betsy Blankenship                 Nov 9, 1833

+Blankenship, Jane               Andrew Hartwell                  Nov 25, 1833

+Blankenship, Elender G.    Henry H. Bolen                     Mar 1, 1835

+Blankenship, Martha         James Bailey                          Jun 4, 1835    

Dau of Samuel Blankenship & Ann Dillon

+Blankenship, Hezekiah       Elizabeth Stasy                      Dec 19, 1837

Son of Conley Blankenship & Martha Patsy Lester

+Blankenship, Presby           Rutha Jones                           Oct 4, 1838    

Son of William Blankenship, Sr. & Martha Riggens

+Blankenship, Edward         Mahala Johnson                    Jan 1, 1839

Son of William Blankenship, Sr. & Sarah Drake

+Blankenship, Ruth              Joshua Deal                           Feb 14, 1839     

+Blankenship, Nancy                        Isaac Luster               Jul 2, 1839 

              Dau of Hezekiah Blankenship & Nancy Bowling


Tazewell Co., VA, Marriage index

+Blankenship, Mahaley        to Bailey, Micajah             June 7, 1832

Dau of Samuel Blankenship & Ann Dillon

+Blankenship, Rawley            to Payne, Sarah                  July 21, 1833

+Blankenship, Elijah              to Blankenship, Betsy       Nov. 9, 1833

+Blankenship, Betsy             to Blankenship, Elijah      Nov. 9, 1833

+Blankenship, Elender G.     to Bolen, Henry H.             March, 1835

+Blankenship, Martha           to Bailey, James                 July 15, 1835

Dau of Samuel Blankenship & Ann Dillon

Blankenship, Conley               to Justice, Polly                 June 9, 1837

Blankenship, Peggy                 to Justice, William W.       June 9, 1837

Blankenship, Hezekiah.        to Stacey, Elizabeth           Dec. 19, 1837

Son of Connally Blankenship & Martha Lester to Stacey, Elizabeth.  Born 1825 in Floyd Co., KY. Daughter of William Stacy & Rebecca Proffitt Dec. 19, 1837

+Blankenship, Presley                          to Jones, Rutha                  Oct. 4, 1838

Son of William Blankenship, Sr. & Martha Riggens

Blankenship, Edward             to Johnson, Mahalia          Jan. 1, 1839

+Blankenship, Ruth               to Dere, Joshua                  Feb. 14, 1839

Blankenship, Nancy                to Lester, Isaac                   July 2, 1839


+1830, Tazewell Co., VA

Blankenship, Isham (Son of Zachariah Blankenship & Edith Blankenship)

Isham Blankenship, 20 Sept 1830, Tazewell County, 34 a.  On Tugg (sic) River, at the upper end of Turkey Bottom, Grants No. 79, p. 291”

From: "Linda C. Hinchey" wimsyart(at)yahoo.com


Warren created in 1836 from Frederick, Shenandoah                                      


Wythe created in 1789 from Montgomery                                                                      


+Wythe Co., VA, Marriages: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRM8-Y43

Elizabeth Blankenship, - Washington Ellis, - 15Apr1833



Wythe Co., VA, Marriages

+Blankenship, Elijah                        Nancy Patrick                       Sep 5, 1831

              Son of William Blankenship, Jr. & Virginia Hundley

+Blankenship, Elizabeth       Washington Ellis                   Apr 18, 1833